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Tag Archives: nerve block

Digital nerve blocks

Introduction Digital nerve blocks are important tools for the emergency medicine clinician. Injuries or infections of the digits are extremely common. Adequate analgesia is essential to properly address the presenting condition and to minimize the patient's discomfort. Digital blocks are useful in many scenarios in which local infiltration of an anesthetic would require several injections […]

Intramuscular Nerve (Motor Point) Block

Indications Intramuscular nerve blockade is used for diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic treatment of non–velocity-dependent muscle tone, flexor spasm, and dystonia. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is positioned comfortably to allow optimal access to the muscles involved. The patient is prepared in a standard aseptic fashion over an area large enough to allow […]

Saphenous Nerve Block At The Ankle

Tiếng Việt >> Indications Saphenous nerve blockade is used to diagnose and treat pain disorders of the saphenous nerve distribution in the foot. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in a prone position with the foot elevated on a pillow. The patient is prepared in a standard aseptic fashion over an […]

Deep Peroneal Nerve Block At The Ankle

Tiếng Việt >> Indications Deep peroneal nerve blockade is used to diagnose and treat pain disorders in the deep peroneal nerve distribution of the foot. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in a supine position with the foot elevated on a pillow. The patient is prepared in a standard aseptic fashion […]

Superficial Peroneal Nerve Block At The Ankle

Tiếng Việt >> Indications Superficial peroneal nerve blockade is used to diagnose and treat pain disorders of the superficial peroneal nerve distribution in the foot. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in a supine position with the foot elevated on a pillow. The patient is prepared in a standard aseptic fashion […]

Sural Nerve Block At The Ankle

Tiếng Việt >> Indications Sural nerve blockade is used to diagnose and treat pain disorders in the sural nerve distribution. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in a prone position with the foot supported by a pillow. The patient is prepared in a standard aseptic fashion over an area large enough […]

Tibial Nerve Block At The Ankle

Indications Tibial nerve blockade is used to treat pain disorders in the tibial nerve distribution of the foot. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the prone position with the foot supported by a pillow. The patient is prepared in a standard aseptic fashion over an area large enough to allow […]

Saphenous Nerve Block At The Knee

Tiếng Việt >> Indications Saphenous nerve blockade is useful as a diagnostic, prognostic, or therapeutic procedure in painful disorders involving the knee, ankle, and foot. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the supine or lateral position. The saphenous nerve is located at the medial surface of the medial condyle of […]

Common Peroneal Nerve Block At The Knee

Tiếng Việt >> Indications Common peroneal nerve blockade is useful as a diagnostic, prognostic, or therapeutic procedure in painful disorders involving the ankle and foot. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the supine or lateral position. The common peroneal nerve can be easily palpated as it crosses the neck of […] Protection Status